Monday, October 19, 2020

The Owner's Box After Dark, Ep. 22.

We slip slightly over the one-hour mark with another jam-packed After Dark. Where else can you get such entertainment for so little?

First, in what has become our monologue of sorts, we chat about the search for disinfecting wipes in local supermarkets and my growing rage over wrong-way shoppers.

Then we tackle the disappointment of the Patriots' 18-12 loss to the Denver Broncos. 

And finally, we take a deep dive into the history of the Mansfield High School athletic mascot, the Green Hornet, which celebrated its 75th anniversary as the mascot last Friday. We've got it all, from the search for a suitable mascot amid the context of the times, the amazing theme song of the radio program (and later, TV show) that inspired the selection, and some thoughts about the plights of other local schools that might face pressure to replace their Native American-themed mascots. And I even tip my cap to a rival school for its magnificent selection of a TV theme song to serve as its athletic marching music.

It's all in Episode 22 of the most popular video podcast around ... at least for a quarter-mile radius. Maybe more!



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