Monday, November 2, 2020

The Owner's Box, Ep. 28

Long may it wave, and may it fly proudly after tomorrow's exercise in democracy.
The original and best is back ... The Owner's Box, the franchise that launched a thousand podcasts (or really just 52 at this point).

For our Election Special, I detail every single reason why I marked my election ballot as I did -- going back as far as the demise of the USFL, to many of the important issues facing our society today. And while it's pretty clear in which direction I lean, I repeat frequently that the most important thing for all Americans to do is to go out and vote. Vote your conscience and don't let anyone try to prevent you from doing so.

As that content is shared with Episode 24 of the video production "The Owner's Box After Dark," I also gave you something unique -- a breakdown of the obstacles that may be facing the MIAA and Massachusetts student-athletes as they hope that they can resume their sports in the upcoming winter season. 

Both topics are timely and not thrown out there in a cavalier manner. Please give them a serious listen. 

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