Tuesday, August 15, 2023

The Owner's Box, Ep. 47

This big blue A is raising a lot of hackles from the peanut gallery in Attleboro.

Solo flight tonight, but there's a lot of good stuff to talk about. 

We start with a look at the upcoming fall sports schedule for King Philip Regional High School on North TV, with a laser focus on the football games -- I'll be doing seven of eight regular-season KP games including three road games (and yes, I forgot to mention that the North Attleboro crew will be doing the North-KP game late in the season, so that's actually eight of nine, not including the playoffs).

Then I discuss the controversy, or tempest in a teapot, over the big blue letter A that now graces the center of the traffic circle in front of the new Attleboro High.

Patriots fans and media are jumping to record-setting conclusions over one performance against fourth-string Houston Texans talent by rookie QB/WR Malik Cunningham. Is it Malik Mania or Cunningham Colic? You decide.

I also chime in about yet about another date in court for Der Amerikaner Fuehrer, Donald J. Trump, and then I reveal the identity of my next guest on The Owner's Box, coming next week.

I try to keep it lively, so enjoy.

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