Thursday, March 28, 2024

The Owner's Box ... After Dark, Ep. 55.

Glasses and a stylish leather patch.
Just two days and a new episode, you ask?

Well, there's a reason. From the accompanying photo, you can see a significant change in my appearance. It's because I suffered a minor injury to my left eye, and as stated elsewhere on this blog, it has forced me to the announcing sidelines for the time being. 

I was scheduled to do three games on North TV over the next few days, but the current distortion in my left eye's field of vision makes it impossible to follow the action in a fast-moving game such as lacrosse. 

But I hope to be back behind the microphone in two weeks for a baseball game -- I think I can call baseball out of one eye, but we'll find out -- and I'm pretty sure that I'll have the full use of my eye come the fall and winter sports seasons of 2024-25.

The new After Dark episode provides a full explanation of my situation. Again, the prognosis is good -- I just didn't want anyone I know to be shocked if they run into me (or, if I accidentally bump into them from a lack of depth perception) over the next few weeks.

Please watch the episode -- and while you're at it, go back and watch Episode 54 again. You'll never know that I conducted those two on-camera interviews like I was watching "Dancing with the Stars" in my left eye all along.

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