Saturday, September 5, 2020

The Owner's Box After Dark, Ep. 15.

Welcome to another episode of The Owner's Box After Dark, in which I hop into the Wayback Machine with Sherman and Mr. Peabody to watch a 12-year-old episode of "The Blog Show," a feature of my "Blogging Fearlessly" blog for The Sun Chronicle of Attleboro, Mass.

The episode features my good friend Missy Traversi, the former Bishop Feehan High School three-sport standout who will be entering her fifth year as the head coach of the Adelphi University women's basketball team shortly. When the video was recorded in May 2008, Missy had just returned from her second year of playing professional basketball in Sweden and was just starting to set up her basketball camps and make plans for the rest of her career.

It's always interesting to return to moments like this. You see how organized and focused persons set goals for themselves, and you can see how close she came to following the directional arc she had mapped out for herself.

There a lot of stuff packed into this episode beyond the time travel, and it's jammed into an easy-to-watch 24 minutes. Enjoy!

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