Thursday, September 10, 2020

The Owner's Box After Dark, Ep. 16.

Baseball reporter and author Maureen Mullen joins me for the first "live" interview in the "After Dark" series, helping me make sense of the total dumpster fire that the Red Sox have become.

It took a little effort to get this one to the interwebz, because the program I use to create these videos would not accept the format of the Zoom recording we made. No problem; I made a video of the playback ... but it did make the audio less than optimal, and there is a slight slant to the split-screen picture. I'll probably try to use Skype for future recordings, as I know those work.

This recording is about two-thirds of the total interview, and the rest will be added to the first episode of my standard-bearing audio podcast, "The Owner's Box," which will debut in a day or two on all the popular podcasting platforms. But until then, get ready for some outstanding insight from Maureen, who first joined me for Episode 12 of The Owner's Box.

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